Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kooba Handbags - Is "Replica" a Dirty Word?

Let's get real - not all of us have the cash to have a closet full of designer handbags. We may have our special purse - the bag that we have been saving up for, but in end it won't work with all our outfits. We need more than one bag, and we can't have all of them in designer labels. Which brings us to the question: Is "Replica" a Dirty Word?

Well, it's really a decision for each woman to make, according to budget, taste, and priorities. But let's look at the benefits of having a few replicas in your collection.

Today, replica handbags are usually better-made than in the past, and crafted with such precise details that it is quite difficult to spot them as replicas. If you avoid the street vendors and use online markets and auctions, you will find a good variety of replica choices that resemble their designer counterparts quite closely.

Yes, replica handbags may be half the price of the originals, and yes, the material used can be of poor quality, giving them a shorter life-span. And yes, there is always chances of getting caught by that sharp-eyed friend, or stranger. But where's the shame in saving some hard-earned dollars?

But before you buy a replica, do some thorough research on the internet. Check the feedback from customers and those who have dealt with that particular auction seller. Gather information on the type of leather used, the quality of the zippers, attachments and straps. Needless to say, while high-quality replicas will cost more than those you would get on a street corner, that extra expense is probably worth it. And you'll still pay far less than an authentic designer handbag.

Of course, while these replicas very closely resemble the designers, they can not be sold as authentic - though they often are anyway. Authentic designer handbags, such as Fendi, Prada or Dior, have registered trademarks that cannot be duplicated without authorization. All others are breaking the law.

However, as you might guess, the law often doesn't stop a disreputable "entrepreneur" from doing what he or she wants - especially in countries where enforcement is questionable. However, with some solid research on authentic designer handbags, you can be a prudent shopper. The goal is to buy a replica when you desire one, and not be tricked when you're seeking a designer bag.

Whatever your individual choice happens to be, there are definitely some advantages to choosing a replica at times. A few of the benefits:

  • Prices are lower. Designer handbags are usually very expensive. You can start to build your dream collection at a reasonable price by choosing some high-quality replicas.

  • They're easy to find. If you choose a replica, you'll certainly have no trouble finding one - so forget waiting lists and out-of-stock merchandise.

  • There's a vast selection. Online shops and eBay have vast varieties of styles, colors, prices and features.

  • Styles are very similar. Well-made replica handbags very closely resemble the style of the originals.

So if you're on a budget, high-quality replicas can indeed make a great, affordable alternative to designer handbags. Let "replica" be a dirty word no more!

Looking for discount handbags - authentic or replica? You owe it yourself to check out Brilliant Discount Handbags. There you'll find Balenciaga Handbags, Prada Handbags, Dior Handbags, Betsey Johnson Handbags, Kooba Handbags, and much more.

Article Directory: EzineArticles

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